Textbook Auto-Adoption Policy

All instructors must communicate any course materials being used, and if appropriate, submit orders for course materials before course registration opens for each semester. This deadline is March 15 for Autumn 2023.

Failure to submit orders or express intent to use OERs may result in a textbook being automatically selected for you, based on previous use in your course. Consult with your course coordinator, department chair or director, or other academic leader in your unit charged with managing this process to understand how this will work in your academic unit.

Note that if a textbook is selected on your behalf, that action can negatively impact your students by encouraging them to purchase an unnecessary or outdated textbook, so it is imperative that you take action before the course registration deadline. 

  • You can contact carmenbooks@osu.edu to see if discounted textbooks or homework systems are available for your course.
  • You can place orders with Barnes & Noble using your normal process, or reach out to ESandona@bncollege.com with questions on this ordering process.
  • If you are planning to utilize open resources or other alternatives to traditional textbooks, please contact affordablelearning@osu.edu as well as the appropriate person in your college or department who is implementing this policy.