Working together with other instructors or subject matter experts often makes a seemingly enormous task feel possible.
The Affordable Learning Exchange has experience recruiting, planning and project managing large groups of faculty and instructors and leading them through project planning, execution and implementation.
Open Assessments
Content Camp to Quiz Exchange
Content Camp is a project management process that brings together large groups of instructors from within and outside of Ohio State, with a goal to collaboratively create material that supports the needs of their courses. Five cohorts have worked together to create test banks that can be used for free by instructors around the world.
To house the test banks created by Content Camps, Ohio State and Penn State University collaborated to create Quiz Exchange, a web-based application that facilitates both the question writing and review processes, as well as question harvesting and quiz creation. Quiz Exchange accounts and questions are free, and users can import complete quizzes into their learning management system.
Quiz Exchange coming soon!

Ohio Open Ed Collaborative
This statewide collaboration to address textbook affordability began with a grant awarded in the summer of 2017 to Ohio State, in partnership with Ohio Dominican University and North Central State College. Diverse faculty teams from institutions across Ohio were convened to curate and create open educational resources for 22 of our shared high-enrollment courses. As a result, faculty across Ohio are helping to facilitate adoption of free, high quality course materials that comply with Ohio’s Transfer Assurance Guidelines.
Goals of this project include:
- Reduce the cost of textbooks for Ohio’s students by 70%
- Within the first three years of implementation, savings to students to reach 4X the state’s investment of $1.3M