Melissa Beers
Dr. Beers will lead a team to create digital resources for Psychology 2367.01, a second-level writing general education course. Because it fulfills a GE requirement, the course draws students from outside the major and would effect over 500 students per year enrolling in the course. Moreover, it would effect the 400 students annually enrolled in Psychology 3325, for which the resources would also be used. Beers suggests that in addition to the savings, this would offer students a more accurate and helpful representation of course content. Because only 3-9% of students found the previous textbook the most helpful course resource (and 15-20% found it the least helpful resource), Beers asserts digital resources would offer more relevant information in a more interactive and helpful format.
Racial Justice Grant
Dr. Beers will compile and develop a module for Intro Psych on racial justice, stereotyping and prejudice aligned with course learning objectives. The module will incorporate current and cutting-edge research at Ohio State while highlighting faculty, graduate student, and undergraduate student work in this area. She will also form a small working group to develop a module or series of Canvas modules on these topics that could be inserted into all sections of the course (approximately 25) in future semesters.