Common ALX Tasks

Adopting Existing OER Material

Identify and implement a single resource related to your subject that can act as a whole (or majority) instructional replacement, a one-for-one replacement.


Assembling Existing Content from Multiple Sources

Identify and implement multiple resources related to your subject that can be collectively assembled to create an instructional replacement.

Example: Melissa Beers



Develop a completely (or majority) original text from scratch. This would include creating content for multiple chapters or modules as well as ancillary or accompanying texts.

Examples: Leah WahlinClayton Funk


Creating Audio/Video Media

Record your own audio or video material or compile existing open video/media content as either primary or supplementary instructional material.

Example: Camilla Curren


Creating Canvas Modules, Course Materials

Present assembled texts, learning objects, instructions, etc. directly inside a Canvas course. This can sometimes be the most effective or convenient organizational method.

Examples: Melissa BeersRyan Jennings


Creating Interactive Widgets

Utilize interactive elements such as slide decks, drag and drop images, flash/dialog cards, image/video overlays as an instructional delivery method.

Example: Audrey Begun


Developing Ancillary Materials

In addition to your primary material, create supporting content such as a quiz bank, homework system, supplementary readers, etc.

Example: Darcy Hartman


Redesigning Your Course

Whether writing a book or compiling various assets and objects, some level of course redesign is almost a guarantee. To what extent will it be a part of your project?


Reviewing/Researching Literature

Explore OER repositories, consult with liaison librarians, identify and vet potential source material.


Using Library Resources

Utilize materials and/or resources provided through University libraries. These could be subscriptions, lib guides, or pay-walled articles.

Examples: Karl Ola AhlqvistAudrey Begun


Using Pressbooks

Format your material, regardless of whether it is self-authored or curated from OER, as a digital book that can be read online or in a portable format such as PDF, ePub or Mobi (Kindle).

Examples:  Mary SterenbergJasmine Roberts