Save Money and Transform Your Teaching with an ALX Grant
The Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) is accepting proposals to participate in its next cohort. ALX awards grants to instructors who want to transform their courses using open and affordable materials. Any course at The Ohio State University is eligible for consideration–from small seminars to large, multi-section general education courses.
Projects will be funded in late 2017 for work beginning in January 2018.
Through two cohorts and 30 total projects, ALX-funded projects are on track to save Ohio State students millions of dollars in support of President Michael Drake’s 2020 Vision. Reducing the cost of college is at the core of ALX’s mission, but that’s not the only thing. ALX encourages teaching innovation and fulfills Ohio State’s land-grant mission by funding projects that adopt, create and share open educational resources.
Watch below to hear directly from ALX grant winners and partners, and get more details on our Case Studies page.
ALX will be accepting proposals throughout the summer and into early fall. Updated this year is the Phase 1 process; instead of selecting a specific type of grant, the Phase 1 application initiates the conversation to understand the instructor’s needs in terms of support – financial and otherwise. Applicants should carefully consider impact to students – both in terms of money saved and classroom experience.
Apply for an ALX grant here. Applications are due Friday, Sept. 8, 2017.
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