Join Ohio State’s University Libraries and the Affordable Learning Exchange team virtually on March 6, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for an engaging conversation on OER. The event, Navigating the Future: The Sustainability of OER Initiatives , aims to explore the barriers, successes, and...
One of the main goals of college instructors is to provide students with a well-rounded education, and these Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) grant winners are doing exactly that. With new educational resources including the Accessible Learning Library (ALL) in the works, Dr. Dunlevy, Dr. Bollinger, and Dr. Starkoff are creating new strategies to teach students about the intersections of healthcare and diverse populations in their course “Individual Differences in Patient/Client Populations” (HTHRHSC 4400).
“Seeing and Making” is a course in Ohio State’s Knowlton School. Taught by professors Andrew Cruse and Paula Meijerink, the course “introduces students from different backgrounds how to ‘see’ an environment and respond to it by ‘making.’ We do this through a series of scaffolded projects to...
The Ohio Open Ed Collaborative (OOEC) has selected educators from various institutions across Ohio to update existing open content for introductory courses on Psychology, Biology and Composition. Three Ohio State educators are participating in this work.
The Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) works with instructors who want to transform their courses with open and affordable materials—from writing or curating their own textbooks to adding more diverse voices to the syllabus and even creating lending libraries for necessary supplies. Thanks to a partnership between the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) and University Libraries, ALX projects in 2023 will save students nearly $100,000 in material costs.
The Ohio Open Ed Collaborative (OOEC) is looking for educators from various institutions across Ohio to update existing open content for courses on American Government, Psychology, Biology and Composition. Chosen Content Contributors will also receive $1,000 for their efforts. The deadline to apply is January 6, 2023.
Higher education is beneficial to people of all ages and backgrounds as it fosters many skill sets and abilities that may not be easily obtained otherwise. But the prices of tuition and textbooks are increasing exponentially. High prices can deter learners from even attempting a degree, while...
ALX awards grants to instructors who want to transform their courses using open and affordable materials. This year, we have simplified the application process for our grants and curated our grant offerings to three high-impact, just-in-time opportunities: Racial Justice, Syllabus Review and $0 Course Transformation. Learn more and apply by October 26.
If you are a student wondering why you have a "Digital Textbook Fee," CarmenBooks has likely helped cover some of your costs. CarmenBooks is an affordability initiative that works with publishers to provide discounts for digital textbooks. On average, CarmenBooks are 75-80% off the original retail prices.
The Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) has been awarding grants for the past seven years to instructors who want to transform their courses. Grant winners were primarily focused on reducing the cost of their course materials for students. “While these goals remain at the core of the ALX mission, the murder of George Floyd in 2020 prompted us to [...] expand our scope to encompass broader social justice topics," said Ashley Miller. Several instructors at Ohio State share Miller's passion and have taken the opportunity ALX provides to infuse their courses with racial justice.